Lyme disease is one of the fastest spreading infectious diseases in the world. Lyme Disease is carried by ticks, which are migrating all across Canada at an alarming speed. Canadian scientists predict that by the year 2020, 80% of the population in Eastern Canada (including Manitoba) will be living in a tick-populated area. The US CDC estimates that 300,000 US residents contract Lyme Disease each year - many within a close drive to the Canada border!
Below is a link to a research paper concerning the presence of Lyme infected ticks in the Kenora area. John Scott identified 73% of ticks he collected on Corkscrew Island were infected with Lyme diseases:
We now see the Canadian government warning us about ticks when we go into the outdoors throughout Canada. All Canadians are at risk. All it takes is a walk in the grass, a hike on a trail, a day of gardening or golf and for our kids - playing outside in the schoolyard or in a park. Your pets can bring ticks into your house. Who would think that a tick the size of a poppy seed you may never notice, has the impact of a bomb going off in your body and your life?
The Canadians Concerned About Lyme Disease is asking for your support. Please considering sending this note to your members asking them to support the "Ticking Lyme Bomb in Canada Petition". The Petition has already achieved over 27,000 signatures!
More information on this topic can be found on the Canadian Lyme Disease web site -